Contact LWC

Pastoral Care

Pastor Jeff Pierce (405) 834-4470 /

Lighthouse Children’s Ministries (LCM)

Margie Keely (405) 550-4918 /

Lighthouse Youth Ministries (LYM)

Margie Keely (405) 550-4918 /

LWC Website

Shamane Glover (405) 618-9969 /

Karen Cagley (405) 317-8691 /

Media/Sound/Special Music

Pastor Steve Simmons (405) 627-6440 /

Seniors & Associates

Pastor Jeff and Jo Lynn Pierce (405) 834-4470 /

Men’s Fellowship

Pastor Jeff Pierce (405) 834-4470 /

Wednesday Adult Bible Study

Pastor Steve Simmons (405) 627-6440 /

Prayer Chain

Pastor Jo Lynn Pierce (405) 850-0187

Tom & Jean Heck (405) 820-4491 or (405) 527-5451

Praise & Worship

Karen Cagley (405) 317-8691 /

Lighthouse Women’s Ministries

Pastor Judi Goldston (405) 831-9809 /

Christian Education Director

Pastor Jo Lynn Pierce (405)850-0187 /

Coordinator of Building Scheduling for Events

Karen Cagley (405) 317-8691 /